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RVA Pediatric Therapy & Consulting

A comprehensive, differentiated assessment is the starting point to answer the difficult questions for families. The assessment process is customized to your child’s needs.

Comprehensive assessment for children under three years of age, includes the use of clinical play-based and behavioral observations, parent interview, standardized and non-standardized tools, and language sampling to support understanding your child’s foundations. Assessment may look at the following areas based on your child’s strengths and needs:

  • Play development
  • Oral motor development
  • Speech sound development
  • Motor planning and coordination for speech     
  • Phonological processing 
  • Receptive language skills
  • Expressive language skills
  • Social-relatedness foundations and early pragmatic language

For young children, play development is a component of the assessment as it is the foundation for early communication. Observation of social-emotional and behavioral patterns with communication is also an integral component of assessment for toddlers and preschoolers.

The initial assessment for a child under three years of age is one hour, with parent/caregiver present. Cost: $300.00

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